When it comes to selecting residential entry doors, where do you even begin? If you own a single family home, with a few exceptions, your choices are defined by your own personal style, your imagination, and, of course, your budget.
If you live in a condo or townhome, your options may become more limited, as homeowners’ associations generally identify specific criteria so that all units meet the community standards. In addition, there are a number of fire and life safety codes that must be adhered to in multifamily dwellings that do not necessarily apply to single family detached housing. Make no mistake; there are certain applications in single family homes that must also meet fire and life safety standards.
Then, of course, particularly in multifamily units, there are entry and exit points within the building that may even require doors that meet commercial ratings. Oh, you thought commercial doors were only for stores, office buildings, and the like? Don’t let the word “commercial” throw you; there are certain circumstances where these doors are required in residences as well.
Over our next few conversations, we will look at the various types of entry doors – wood, fiberglass, steel, and, yes, even commercial doors – to give you an idea of what each offers, as well as when you need to be aware of specific limitations in which type you can use.
In the meantime, take a look at the existing entry doors in your home, and start imagining what you would like them to be? We’re here to help in your decision making process at https://www.evergreenwindow.com or (708)423-1720.